Acupuncture for Fertility Support

Acupuncture is a wonderful tool for supporting fertility. It is effective, safe, and can support you through any method of conception. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can help you optimize your fertility health.
Ways that acupuncture and herbal medicine support fertility, conception and implantation:
menstrual cycle regulation
hormone balancing
benefit uterine blood flow
boost egg quality
enhance sperm quality
reduce stress
reduce miscarriages
regulate pituitary function
improve IVF outcomes
In Chinese medicine, we often say that it is best to nourish the soil before planting a seed. Acupuncture and herbal medicine help to optimize egg and uterine health. By helping to regulate the menstrual cycle, ovulation becomes more understood and predictable which helps with conception. Acupuncture is beneficial to both female and male reproductive health. It can also be used to help promote implantation and support the IUI or IVF process.