Acupuncture for Anxiety and Depression
Your identity shouldn't be the anxiety and depression you experience. Acupuncture and herbal medicine offer great solutions to help improve your quality of life and your experience with anxiety or depression.
Acupuncture works on the nervous system to regulate anxiety response. Slow down your heart rate, reduce sweating, calm your mind...stop that fight or flight response dead in its tracks.
Depression more your baseline? Well....acupuncture has protocols for you too. It can help lift your mood and spirit, release feel good endorphins and decrease symptoms like poor motivation and appetite imbalances.
Here's a short list of some of the ways acupunture can benefit you if you are experiencing anxiety or depression:
Calm your nervous system
Regulate digestion - important for the neurotransmitters needed for mental health
Prevent rumination or overthinking - help stop the repetitive thoughts
Reduce anxiety induced sweating
Regulate anxiety induced palpitations
Lift your mood
Improve sleep
Get some extra me time and relaxation during your appointment